Letter from the Program Chair : 








本シンポジウムは、再生医療製品に関して日、米、英、仏、独、スペイン、インド、韓国、台湾など世界の最先端で活躍する学、産、官の第一人者達が一堂に会して、それぞれの知見、情報を披露し、討論を交わすものです。参加する規制当局には、FDA, EMA, PMDAをはじめ、インド、NIFDS/MFDSTFDA、それにWHOが加わります。






 具体的には、CMC、非臨床安全性及び臨床試験においてコアとなる要素を明らかにし、それらが製品開発や評価に際しての基本的に必要な事項として認識され、関係者間で共通に活用されるようにすることを目指します。また、ヒト再生医療製品は構造的にも生物学的機能においても従来にない独自なものであり、改善・改良、解決、さらにはブレークスルーすらするための一層の検討や議論が継続的に必要とされる課題がいろいろとありますが、これらについてもカバーします。課題としては、細胞特性解析とCOAの決定、CQAと最終製品の安全性・有効性との関係、Potency, Specifications, コンパラビリティ、造腫瘍性試験、新規解析手法の開発、などを取り上げる予定です。


IABS東京2020カンファレンス プログラム委員長





早川 堯夫


 Objectives of the Workshop


This meeting will bring together an outstanding and diverse group of speakers from regulatory agencies, industry, and academia, all of whom are at the forefront of the cell therapy (CT) field.


The major objective of the meeting is to make continuous efforts toward international convergence of core scientific elements and evaluation for ensuring quality and safety of human cell therapy products (hCTPs).


The 5th IABS CT meeting will build further considerations on outcomes of previous meetings and relevant papers with respect to the scientific basis for the research, development, evaluation, and standardization of hCTPs derived from substantially manipulated human cells, which include stem cells and stem cell line derived products and CAR-T cell products. Core scientific elements for CMC, nonclinical, and clinical studies will be identified and addressed so that they can be commonly employed among interested parties as a basic consensus package for product development and assessment. In addition, some issues that are derived unique structural and biological features of hCTPs and need to further studies and discussions continuously in order to improve, solve or even break through will be covered. These include: characterization of cells and determination of their critical quality attribute (CQA); relationship between CQA and safety/efficacy of the final products; potency measurement; setting specifications; comparability study; tumorigenicity testing; development of new analytical methodologies among others



 IABS Cell and Gene Therapy Committee Chair

 Program Chair

 IABS Board Member